So Easy to Slip

It has been just over a month since we made a New Year’s resolution. Why are the things that are good for you so easy to turn away from or become a lower priority? I am not talking about falling back into a pattern of sin, but things like eating better or being more consistent in areas of our lives.

For the last ten to fifteen days, I have been battling bacterial pneumonia. During that time I allowed some disciplines I have been trying to apply to my life, to fall away. Seemingly for no reason, I could not take the time even though I was sitting on the couch most of the time.

My resolution was to read the Bible every day, not that I have not been doing it but I wanted more. The Bible app I use keeps track of the number of days in a row that the app is used, I was over thirty-five days in a row.

While I was recovering from pneumonia I made my priorities based on my feelings and not my desires. I choose to watch YouTube and Amazon Prime because it felt good to my flesh. I still turn on worship in the mornings and prayed.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Romans‬ ‭8:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We have a tendency of beating ourselves up when we have slid backward. God has given us this verse to help us not to beat ourselves up. Jesus even acknowledges that we are weak in our flesh even if were the desire to follow him.

“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Matthew 26:41 ESV

When we are weak in our flesh we could fall back into temptation, because of my continued relationship with God, with morning worship and prayer I never fell into sin, even though I did not keep my resolution. I can walk out of this experience with no condemnation know the God is with me.

If I were to fall into temptation and sin I still have a way back into God’s good graces. All I would need to do is pray and repent and turn back towards God.


  • Have you fell into temptation and sinned take time to turn back to God and fall on his grace.
  • Have you lost a discipline? Turn and run towards it again with our condemnation.