Know your Adversary

If we learn our adversary strategy and tactics before we get into a match with them, then we will be closer to defeating them. The best way is to this is by observe then prior to the match. During tournaments, we encourage our fencer to watch every match they can and study each opponent. Look for their goto move and how they anticipate their attacks or react to an attack. Some of the things you want to look for are:

  • What club or organization – this will help you to know how they were taught (aggressive/passive)
  • Right or left-handed – this will change your strategy
  • Any Tells – if they do the same motion just before an attack or offensive move
  • Are they quick of the line once the command fence is called

If you don’t have the chance to study your adversary on your own, You may gather information for other fencers that have already fenced against them. whether they were victorious or even defeated either way you can glean the need information. The more fencers you can talk with the better pitcher you will get of your adversary.

Sometimes you may have to learn their strategy and tactics while in the middle of the match. This is harder and may cause you to have a few more touches on you before you can determine their attacks and reactions. Stay confident in your skills and training.

As in our Christian walk, we need to continue to war against our adversary. We can learn all about his tactics by reading the bible and listening to others testimonies of their victories over the Adversary. We need to use every style of attack and defense we have in order to be conquerors.

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Revelation 12:11 ESV


  • Read the Bible with the purpose of seeing the tactics of the Adversary
  • Listen or read other people’s testimonies (some of my testimonies are in the Sword of Truth book)
  • Write out your testimonies, not just your salvation story but other testimonies of how God came through