What is your Intention?

If you have been fencing for any time you have learned about using a “first intention”, which is a simple attack or thrust. This is used by most new fencers and is a valid and effective offense. You quickly learn that you have to change up the game.

A good coach will instruct you to begin to use a “second intention”, which is an attack that will start with a faint knowing that you are not going to score with this attack. The feint will cause your opponent to react to the fake attack, allowing you to divert your attack to the second intended line of attack.

The “third intention” goes even further with two or more actions intended to deceive or place the opponent in a position which is favorable for your attack and score. A second or third intention will not be effective if we are not proficient with your first intention (the straight attack).

Aldo Nadi state, “The great fencer uses the latter the 2nd intention predominantly, exploiting their value and comparative safety to the utmost. But this is not all. Against intelligent adversaries, he frequently uses the third and even the fourth intention.”

Aldo Nadi “On Fencing”

When going up against the adversary, we have to continue to strategize and change up our attack methodology, if we are going to keep him defeated. To become a “Great fencer” (warriors), we have to move on from just using our first intention. You need to go into any battle with a plan of attack with intention. You have to have the determination to be intentional.

In spiritual warfare you may need more than a first intention (prayer), you may have to combine that with a second intention (fasting). another time you may need to add in a third intent (worship). Not one of these is greater than the other but could be used in any combination, the goal is to have intention.

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

Mark 9:29 (KJV)

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said…

Acts 13:2


  • Get proficient with your first intention (attack) so it will be convincing when you have perform a second or third intention.
  • Be intentional with everything…
    • Spiritually (prayer, worship, serving, giving, etc )
    • Personally (relationships, family, career, finances, etc)
    • Emotionally (love, friendship, forgiveness, etc.)