I woke up this week with two words running through my head “bold proclamation”. I believe that this is a decade of bold proclamation.


  • a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance.
  • a clear declaration of something

Similar: decree, order, edict, command, rule, announcement, declaration, pronouncement, statement, notification, advertisement, publishing, broadcasting

Our nation started with a group of people who believed the people have certain inalienable rights. Our forefathers came together and wrote a bold proclamation “The Declaration of Independence”. The Protestant Reformation started much the same way with a bold proclamation written by Martin Luther in his thesis, of which we are “justified by faith”. 

Once these proclamations made the creators began to function, act, live there lives out of those proclamations. They gave everything into these movements, even there own lives, to see these proclamation come to pass. I believe that these proclamations were God-inspired but the creators did not just speak them and expect God to bring them to pass.

If God gave us a proclamation like prodigal (one that has left the relationship, or community) are coming home. We need to begging to function and prepare in that way. What can we do?

We can have…

  • A robe ready  
    a new covering – love covers a multitude of sins
  • Sandals ready
    that they will be able to run with vision again
  • You forged a new signage ring
    to restore the position and authority
  • prodigal
    that we can all celebrate there coming home
  • Waiting with expectations
    This can all look different but what is your expectation, are you all in. 

If you are proclaiming (speaking) one way and acting another you are double-minded.  If I proclaim I am getting healthy this year and continue to eat the same way, I’m double-minded. The bible states in James 1:8 “A double-minded man is unstable in all there ways.”

Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.

Mark 11:23 ESV


  • Take time to pray and hear what God is proclaiming over your life
  • Begin to prepare for the fulfillment of the proclamation
  • Proclaim boldly without double and it will come to pass