Sword maintenance

There is one aspect of wheeling a blade I was not taught early on, that was how to care for and maintain my weapons (sword).  What I did notice from my instructors and friends was just to get more swords, this can be an expensive option. 

We typically talk about foil, epee, and saber but this process can be used and applied on any blade. There is a small list of items you will need to clean and protect any blade.

  • 2 clean dry clothes 
  • Water
  • Scotch bright pad or steel wool
  • Oil or Wax
  • Polish
  • Sharpening stones

The highest priority of a safe and strong weapon is the quality of the steel and the biggest detriment to any sword by far is rust. To help in preventing rust we need to keep all moisture from the blade. If you are storing any swords for a long period of time you should make sure you maintain it first. And it is best to not store a sword in the scabbard or sheath it can cause moisture to be trapped next to the blade.


After every use, you need to clean the blade with a damp cloth removing any dirt, grime, and fingerprints and thoroughly dry the blade. Your skin oils contain acids that are corrosive to metal.  Some of the processes in the blade maintenance portion may be skipped. Wipe down the hilt and also dry.

Blade Maintenance

Inspect your blade looking for any areas of rust. If rust is found you will use a scotch bright pad or steel wool to work this area to remove the rust, this can be done dry or you can use a metal polish. Clean off the area and reinspect and repeat until this spot is greatly reduced or gone. Clean and dry the area, continues inspecting the whole blade until all rust is gone. 

We do not need to sharpen any of the Olympic weapons or practice blades but do inspect the edges for any metal burrs. Take time to file of sand these out so they do not cut anything unintentionally. If your blade needs to be sharpened, take time at his point to sharpen the blade, using sharpening stones from low grit to a higher grit. Use long strokes on both sides of the edge, to keep a consistent edge, making sure you do not cause the edge to become wavey.

You will want to protect your blade with oil or wax.  A good gun oil can be used in the past, they may have used bee wax, to create an anti-moisture barrier. You do not want to use a plant-based oil because the oil might go rancid. If you are using your blade weekly you may what to use a minimal amount of oil or wax, the oil or wax will get on your jackets and other gear during fencing and storage. If you are putting away a sword for a longer time period use a more generous amount of oil/wax, and do not store your sword in the scabbard or sheath it can cause moisture to be trapped next to the blade.

Hilt Maintenance

The hilt consists of the pommel, the grip, and bell or cross guard. Inspect the pommel and make sure that it is affixed and tight, sand out or grind off any metal burrs sticking out. Examine the grip is the rubber intact, and still flexible. If not replace it with a new one. If your grip is leather you may need to add a leather conditioner. The bell (cross guard) in good condition and not bent out of shape, also check for burrs and remove them. Polish all the metal with a good polish and treat the metal with an oil or wax.


To have a good sword that will last for many years it takes both time and commitment to preserve it. We can just buy a sword and swing it around and use it but if the sword does not receive the proper care it will not last.

We are to apply the word of God to our lives that we become a sword in the King’s hand. The first thing in the process of perfecting us as a weapon is to be clean. We are made clean through the salvation work of the Cross which cleansed us by the washing of the water of the word.

…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. 

Ephesians 5:25-27 ESV

Next, we need the help of the Holy Spirit to inspect our lives for any area that might need to be worked on to restore us to our fullest. This is a life long process there are always new spots of rust that we need to have sanded out of our lives. The Holy Spirit is gentle and uses just the right produces and pressure to remove or greatly reduce the rust and then will come back again to completely remove it.

…as the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:21-24 ESV

While the biggest spots are being removed by our cooperation with the Holy Spirit, we are also in the process of being sharpening. This sharpening is not by the Holy Spirit, nor Jesus, not even God, we get sharpen by the people God put in our lives. We are to be in the world and not of the world, so we need to work with other people, as we do this cause us to be sharpened. We need to have people in our lives ones we are accountable as well as ones that are accountable to us.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17 ESV

While we are in the sanding and sharpening process God is also polishing us, making us into his bride without spots or wrinkles (Eph 5:27 ESV). God is working all the processes at the same time, as the sword, all we have to do is submit to the swordsmith as these processes are happening. If we squirm around during the processes we could cause our edges to hurt the swordsmith, who only whats us to be the best we can be.

While all the other processes are happening the Holy Spirit is giving us a fresh coat of preserving oil. The bible is one of the preserving agents that will keep us for going back to the dull, rust self we were. The bible will coat us with an anointing oil of the Holy Spirit that you are able to understand all that was written for you in the bible.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness

2 Timothy 3:16 ESV

These processes are in a constant state of perfecting our lives, once we accept Jesus. It takes all parts of the Godhead to bring us to a weapon that the King can use. I sword is not just a weapon for war but also for justice, a sign of authority, and commissioning. God desires to use you like a sword in your generation to bring justice, authority and commissioning others to do the same. This is unable to be done with an old, dull and rust sword, submit and allow God’s perfect process in your life. This world needs you! Your generation needs you!


  • Ask God to process you into a sharp weapon in the King’s hand
  • Be patient with the process, some swords need more work, but every sword is redeemable