Raise a Standard

The word standard has many meanings 1. a level of quality like “that restaurant has a high standard of service”. 2. an idea or thing used as a measure “the wages are low by today’s standards” 3. a military or ceremonial flag carried on a pole.

Throughout history and even presently we fight under a standard (flag), it shows by whose authority we are acting under and what laws we are upholding. Historically there was typically one person called the standard barrier he might be armed or not, but he was to keep that standard flying at all cost. If the standard barrier gets wounded or dies then another would lay down his weapons and pick up the standard. Today in the United States might fight under the American Flag or sometimes even the United Nations flag. Know days we don’t have a single standard barrier every soldier is one with the flag (standard) velcroed on the shoulder.

In the Bible, we see that the standards are called banners, and Moses states the God is that banner in Exodus 17:15 ESV “And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The Lord Is My Banner,” (Yahweh Nissi).

As a believer, we are under God’s standard, it by His authority we act and His commandments we are upholding. Jesus gave us two statements that sum up all of God’s commandments.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 22:36-40 ESV

I have found that is you give a person a set of rules to follow, most of them will try to find a way around them. Other when it comes to peer pressure you will forgo a good rule to save embarrassment. We do not like to be confined by another person’s rules. Instead of creating rules, we should help them to create personal standards to live by. You will fight for your standards you will hold them up high when you go into a battle (in your mind or with an action). A personal standard is self-enforcing.

The Hebrews people had the Laws and they did just what everyone does they found way around God’s commands and so the Priest creates more rules, hedge laws. These were not laws from God but rules the priest made to help keep the people safe and not sinning agist God.

So when Jesus (the teacher) was asked in Matthew 22:36 what is the greatest commandment he replied “You shall love the Lord your God and you shall love your neighbor”. Jesus gave them a standard to live by and not just another set of rules. By applying this standard to our lives, we will desire to and will fulfill all the commandments, both in the old and new testaments.


  • Self Assessment: take a piece of paper and write out your answers.
    • What rules have another has set for you?
    • What are your personal standards?
      The one will not cross even under pressure.
    • Are you walking out Jesus’s example from Matt 22:36-40?
      Applying those two standards to you life.