Key of Breakthrough

If there is anyone that knows about perseverance into breakthrough is Joseph. Joseph was one of twelve brothers of Jacob (Israel) he was the firstborn of Jacob’s first and favorite wife Rachel. Jacob loved and favored Joseph more than his other sons, giving him elaborate gifts of a coat of many colors. Joseph had two dreams and shared them with his brothers and father, these dreams seem to elevate Joseph above them all. The brothers became jealous and look to get rid of him.

One day they plotted to kill him and take Joseph’s coat back to their father. One of the brothers talked them out of killing him, but to selling him as a slave to a caravan heading to Egypt. The brothers threw him into an empty well (pit) until they could sell him.

Now that Joseph was in Egypt he was sold to a Potiphar, the Captain of the Guard of the Pharaoh. Joseph persevered as a slave making Potiphar’s house prosper so Potiphar made him the head of his household. All was going well until Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph. She trapped him in a room and made an advance towards him. Joseph with all honor ran from the situation but she grabbed his clothes and the came off. Potiphar had to keep the honor of his wife so he sent Joseph to prison.

Joseph was held in prison for some time where he again persevered and soon the prison was running in good order, Joseph was placed in charge of the other prisoners. One day two new prisoners came into the prison both were servants of Pharaoh, they both claiming innocence. One night both of the prisoners had a dream, Joseph interpreted the dreams the cup barrier would be restored to his position and the baker would be put to death. The cup battier told Joseph that he would talk with the Pharaoh on joseph’s behalf, this did not seem to happen.

A few years later the king had a dream and was very disturbed by it, he summoned all the magicians of Egypt and all its wise men. None of them could give a good interpretation of the dream. The cup barrier remembered about Joseph and his correct interpretation of his dream. He told Pharaoh and Joseph was able to give a correct interpretation of the dream. How Egypt was going to go through seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine so Pharaoh placed Joseph second in command of all of Egypt no one was great except Pharaoh. Joseph collected grain for seven years and for the next seven years kept Egypt feed. During this time Joseph married an Egyptian and has two sons Manasseh and Ephraim.

Joseph was able to name his some Manasseh means “causing to forget” in Hebrew. Because God had turned away all of Joseph’s reproach by giving him not just his freedom, or position but also a wife and a son.

Joseph named his second son Ephraim means double fruitfulness (“for God had made him fruitful in the land of his affliction”). Joseph knew that God has double blessed him in a place that was hard. God blessed him more than he ever expected.

Through Joseph’s life, we can see the biggest key to breakthrough is in the name of his firstborn son Manasseh (causing him to forget). Joseph was able to deal with his heart issue and forgive his brothers long before he was able to see them again. He was able to lay down all the betrayal, deception, lies, and wrongful conviction that was brought against him. This was probably done throughout his entire journey or he would not have been able to be promoted as he was. Joseph did not have to know or see a change in his brother for this healing to come. Joseph walked if out by faith in God.

The key to breakthrough is forgiveness!

So when his brothers came to Egypt to get grain because of the great famine, Joseph could act out of compassion for his father and young brother without bitterness.

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Genesis 50:20-21 ESV

joseph was able to breakthrough in every situation that was put before him because of a pure heart and the grace of God. We have all had tragic and not so tragic things happen to us. Some of us have held on to those hurts think that someday we will be vindication. If you want to break through and see double fruitfulness in your life you need to let go and forgive. Forgiving is not forgetting Joseph did not forget what his brothers did to him but the hurt from what they did would not control his life.


  • The Key is Manasseh – “causing to forget” the hurt
    • What hurts are you holding on to?
    • Who do you need to forgive?
    • If you are unable to forgive find a counselor to help walk through the forgiveness process.
  • Ephraim “double fruitfulness”
    • Expect God to begin to pour out his blessing on you.
    • Begin to look for God’s provisions