Last October our city had a a community worship event in a tent, where we had many different churches participate. It was a tremendous time of worship and prayer. We were so excited at the beginning of the year when we began to plan this year event. we were going to be part of a 100-days of worship that was moving across the nation.

We has such high hopes of even more people joining together. Then COVID happened and like all of us there was much uncertainty in our plans. We continued to make plans, through zoom calls and eventual in person. Trying to contact business during COVID was difficult once we were able to get a hold of the business that host our original location, they informed us they were not letting people on their property.

Still wanting to have our tent in the downtown location we began to search. Now only having three weeks we were unable to get a permit from the city so we needed a private property. We contacted New Level Sports Ministry to see if they could help us. They have a high quality football field they use for sports to reach the city youth. They were so excited to share there portion and God gave them.

I am currently writing this post from the tent during the hour seventh hour (1:00 am). We have had a blending of saints to form worship and dance teams form multiple churches. We have had worship teams from a single church and even had a Hispanic worship church, bring there portion.

Common Unity – CommUnity

The earlier church foster the spirit on community, in our English translations of the bible we have missed the spirit on the first verse of Acts chapter two.

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.

Acts 2:1 ESV

This phrase “they were all together in one place” in the King James was translated “they were all with one accord in one place”. If you were to look at the actually Aramaic it states “All were assembled as one”. The word together is AS ONE which cries unity, they were all assembled in unity. This is when the power of God can truly be released. We can see this later in this chapter in verse forty-four “and all that believed were AS ONE…”.

And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

Acts 2:44-45 ESV

As you can see the believer had all things in COMMON and were in UNITY. This is how a community is birthed. Just because you belong to a church or even lead a church you may not have a true community. I have been with believers that have unity but they don’t care for the needs within their own fellow believers. I have seen other groups where they will give to one another willingly, but they have no unity.

Neither of these two scenarios will have the fullness of God’s kingdom functioning within their community. God moved within the first-century assemblies because there was unity and they had all things in common. During this time Saul began his persecution of the early church, he observed how they were in unity and supplied for one another. Later after his conversion, Paul writes to the Ephesians about how the church is to function says “every joint supplies”. This was the example he saw and experience.

…speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

Ephesians 4:15-16 NKJV

What I am experiencing is believes coming together supplying and sharing their part, not for personal or church acknowledgment but to increase the community of God. Having all things in common and with a unity to worship and pray for our city and nation, and the power of God is being released.


  • Find a place where you can be in unity.
  • Be willing to have “all things in common”, supplying what you have.
  • God desires us to be in a community to find yours.