Do Not Get Comfortable

As you may know, my wife and I desire to see this generation to know and have a relationship with God. In that we have labored in various fields which consist of teaching fencing in a public school, running Swords of Truth, and serving at Battleground Skate House. When I reading the below passage this last week, I realize the I have become comfortable at the skatepark.

Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in, she has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment.

Luke 7:44-46

Simon became comfortable with having people to his house that he began to disconnect with the costumes of the day. Washing a visitor’s feet, this was done because everyone walked to their destination through dirt roads that were also used by animals. So a visitor’s feet would be caked with dirt. Greeting a visitor with a kiss. In the Middle East even up to the current time they still practice a greeting with a kiss on each cheek. Simon stops interacting with his guest.

I have gotten comfortable with the skatepark that I would sit in the pro-shop expecting the skaters to engage with me. These people were invited to our skate house and I expect them to connect. So why am I not engaging or connecting with them? Maybe the same reason Simon did not connect with Jesus, FEAR, and his own insecurities. What will others think about me, both my pier Pharisees and the community? Will I be rejected by them and them also by Jesus? If they all reject me I will have nothing.

What are your fears? I have to look at this for myself, and it comes down to rejection, my arch-nemesis. “What will they think about me”. “Will they be talking about me when they leave”. “Will they see my heart intent or just think I’m weird“. These are the thought that runs through my head and causes me not to engage with them. I know that Jesus will not reject me and has told me to “GO and make disciples”.

I have made a goal this year to become uncomfortable with the status quo. This is going to make me face my fears and not worry about people but only be concern of what God thinks of me.


  • Seek God in where you have become complacent (comfortable).
  • Make a goal to face any fears that are associated with that complacency.
  • If you need help in dealing that the fears get with an accountability partner.