Exploring with a Sword

As believers, we need to know the Bible (the Word) for ourselves. and if you have been in church at all you know you should be reading the Word regularly. Most believers do not have a way to understand or apply the Word to their everyday lives. I have been a Christian for over thirty years and have just recently found a way to break down scripture to bit-size morsels.

I have been studying the Word for many years, I have been on many different reading (the bible) programs. I have been functioning as a pastor for many years bringing messages to various groups of people. When disciplining of training a disciple I need to be able to help them to apply the Word to their lives also.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 ESV

This passage in Hebrews show us what the Word of God can do. Beside dividing our soulish intents form our spirit. So we can see the areas of our own heart intentions and where healing need to come. This only happens when we apply the Word of God (sword) to our lives.

Study Sword

The image to the right shows us how God intended the execution of the word of God in our lives. We are the ones holding and wielding the sword. In the middle ages, most everyone held their sword in the right hand. Left of the blade would be your inside line this line is where your heart and vital organs are. The right of your blade would be the outside line.

After you read a passage from God Word represented by the sword. There are four questions you ask yourself and/or the ones you are disciplining. Take time here, ask one question, and give time for everyone to answer, before going to the next. Allow interaction between them and the Holy Spirit, as well as each other.

  1. God is at the top, the Word is always pointing toward God. So direct the first question toward Him.
    QUESTION: What does this passage show us about God?
  2. People are at the grip and pommel, we are the that is holding the sword.
    QUESTION: What does this passage show us about people?
  3. S represents Sin and P represents Promises, remember we are holding the sword and this is our inside line going after our heart. This is the thing that no one but you and God can see.
    QUESTION: Is there a Sin to avoid or a Promise to claim?
  4. E represents Example and C represents Command, this is our outside line, this is what others will see in your life.
    Is there an Example to follow or a Command to obey?

Questions three may have both a sin and a promise as well as question four having an example and a command, allow time to explore and discover both options. When a person discovers a fresh revelation of God’s character or principle that revelation will be with them forever.

This tool works best with the Word of God but if a disciple (mentee) shares a situation about their friend or a personal story from there life. You can then begin to use these same questions to help them discover God in a real-life application. If they are unable to see God in that situation, stop and pray and ask God to show himself in that memory or situation. When they discover God and the Holy Spirit help set them on the right kingdom track. Through discovery, they create a standard for their life and you did not have to set a rule.

Once I am done with the four questions I would have them set goals on how they are going to obey what the Holy Spirit just revealed to them. The following week lovingly ask them if they obtain their goals. We all will be more apt to complete a goal if we know there is accountability.


  • If you are not studying the word on regular bases, begin using Discovery Bible (Study Sword)
  • Began a small group to study the Word or a group you already belong too.
  • Make weekly biblical goals and be accountable for them with another, Do this also for your mentee.