Pillars of Mentoring

There are two aspects to building a good relationship between generations, cultures, etc.  I use the example of building an expansion bridge like the Mackinaw Bridge here in Michigan. Michiganders had a desire to connect the Lower Michigan to Upper Michigan, so they decided to build a five-mile-long expansion bridge. Many thought it was impossible, but they proceeded anyway. To build these pillar they have to take a risk and get into the middle of the lake constructing these two main pillars of concrete and steel. From these pillars then began to hang the bridge trusses from the pillars towards the shores. They added trusses on each side of the pillars keeping them balance at all times.

photo: www.americanbridge.net

In a relationship, these two pillars are “time” and “trust”. If we give our mentees our time and build trust by following thought on our commitment with them, then a bridge can be erected.  

Jesus came to earth in the midst of his people, He spent time, and built trust by followed through on His commitments to the disciples. Jesus was able to build a bridge so we can have a relationship with our heavenly Father. This bridge was not just for His disciple to access God but as many as would like to use this bridge can.  

It would be impossible and exhausting to attempt to build bridges without the support pillars. Once a bridge is constructed it can stand for generations and be accessed by others, opening the Kingdom of God to many more people.


Time is a resource you can waste it or invest it. Investing time into a mentee does not have to be difficult or expensive it can be just spending time with them. Find activities that you can do while being able to have a conversation. Going to a movie is no bad, and might be an activity you both want to do, but you can not have a conversation during the movie.  Your mentee’s hobbies is a great place to start, if you show any interest in what excites them, they feel validated and accepted. 

Minimal to No COSTCOST
Coffee ShopBoating (rentals)*
Ice Cream ShopKayaking (rentals)*
Disc golfGolf (Fees/Rentals)
Cookout at home/parkMini Golf
* unless you have access or own

Investing time shows you care – during your conversation you will get to know your mentee. You will find out their hobbies, interest, career, and future hopes. Take note of these things, and when you find information in those areas share it with them, it will encourage them, you may even give them needed keys to fulfill them. Don’t be afraid to be part of their lives get their birthdate and celebrate them, ask for their phone number. This is not awkward for this generation as it was for ours. when they are ready have them friend you on their social media platform, don’t stalk them.


Do not over-promise – If you are unsure you can make an event, don’t tell them you will be there if you do they will be looking for you. This will break trust. Matthew 5:37a “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’;”. It would be better if you just show up and find them after the event. There is time that an emergency might come up and you miss the event, contact quickly, if this happens over and over you will lose trust.

Lead by example – this generation wants the real and has a keen sense for the false. They will see it in you and call you out on it, or they will just disconnect form relationships. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” if you want your mentee to read and pray every day you need to be doing it also.  

Be Real – share the area in your life that you are striving to overcome, your success, and failures. Start with small areas like “I want making more time to read the Bible”. Once trust is built on both sides you can share deeper things, this will cause them to open up to you also. James 5:16, KJV “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Seek forgiveness – we all miss it once and a while but be willing to ask for forgiveness. There is nothing more powerful in building trust then asking for forgiveness, this shows you are not perfect and you are willing to forgive if they miss it. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37

We just read Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” This is the key verse for mentoring. We have learned over the years of working with young people to never be shocked at what they may share with you. Once you look, act, or judge out of your shock you will close a door. If they shared that with you they want your input, not your judgment.

All of the investment of time anid the building of trust will give you a lifelong friendship that will pay large dividends in the future. When one of you mentee call you ten-years later thanks to you for being in their lives is all the reward you will ever need.


  • Find a Mentee
  • Be a Mentee
  • Invest in the long haul in to another future.