Right or Relationship

In 2005-06 I was going through some personal issues, a minister friend of mine was helping me. I was explaining my issues with another person and how this and that happen. He stopped me and asked me, “Do you want to be Right or do you want Relationship?” This has stuck with me ever since.

When I am in disagreement, an argument or even and misunderstanding with anyone, In this exchanger if I began to rehash the same statement over and over. I will stop and think of my minster friend statement, am I just wanting to be right. You can push your opinions “right or wrong” to the point of breaking a relationship.

As believers, we should never compromise what the Word of God says is right for the sake of the relationship. I have friends that live in an alternative lifestyle. I am able to work and have a relationship with him and his partner without agreeing to their life choices. We have talked and he knows that I believe that God is opposed to his choices, but God also tells me to love him. I decided to have a relationship with them. I love them and hate their choices, just like God loves us but does not like some of our choices.

I am able to share the truth of God word with this young man because I have a relationship. Truth even loving truth without relationship will not be received. The disciples knew this when it said in Ephesians.

“Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,”

Ephesians 4:15 ESV

They were talking about speaking to fellow believers in Christ that they were growing with or in relationship with.

Jesus was concerned about the relationship over what seems to be right in the eyes of others. Let us take a look at the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11). The story goes that one day the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. The Pharisees wanted to stone her for her wrongdoings as the law allowed. Jesus told them anyone or you without sin cast the first stone. No one through stone and all left oldest to the youngest. Jesus then ask the woman “where are you accuser?”, then Jesus said to her “go and sin no more”.

Jesu could have been right and had her stone but he wanted a relationship first. Jesus did not compromise the truth and proceeded to request her not to sin anymore. This truth could only be expressed and received through a relationship. We are to emulate Jesus and his response to life situations. God desires relationship and even when we have sinned or in sin he still peruses us.


  • When in a disagreement ask your self do you want to be right or have relationship?
  • Never compromise the word of God