Sharing the Kingdom

I was at a conference this past weekend, to see how an overseas movement can be applied to the western church in America as we know it today.   Overseas there has been a great movement in the advancement of the kingdom, with salvation and discipleship. From that foundation, there has been and continue to be multiple generations of churches being planted. This movement focuses on the great commission that Jesus gave to His disciples. 

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

‭‭Matthew ‭28:19-20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I will share two of the strategies in this post, both strategies are to share the gospel both to your sphere of influence and one that is not.  

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Acts 1:8 ESV


Oikos is the Greek word for household. One of the ways the gospel spreads so rapidly is through relationship. If you draw out an Oikos map and begin to pray for those people that their heart will be prepared for the seed of the gospel.

To create an Oikos map you begin with yourself in the center with 4-6 arm coming off your circle.

Fill in name of people you have a relationship with that are far from God. (blue circles)

Look at your friends, and add circles (gold) of the people in their lives that are far from God.

They may be family members, co-workers, members of a club, etc.

These people in all the circles are part of you Oikos and you begin to pray for them with the intention of sharing the gospel with them. Pray that God will create an opportunity this week. Pray expecting God to move!

When my wife first learned about the Oikos map see added the step-mother to the circles. As she was praying for her she thought she should schedule a time with her. The following Wednesday we drove out to see her father and step-mother, her step-mother was struggling with cancer. That visit my wife was talking to her about Jesus and shared her personal testimony.

When the opportunity is present to you take the time to share, my wife almost missed it that night. She did not ask the first time when they were alone. Then her step-mother was tired and when upstair to bed, but my wife asked one last time if she could come up and pray for her. My wife was able to lead her step-mother to Jesus that night. Within two weeks she passed into eternity with Jesus.

Knocking on doors

Yes, we have gone door to door in neighborhoods asking people if they need prayer, we do see some successes with people being prayed for and others salvation. we have gone to shopping centers and started a conversation with people for the purpose of praying and sharing the gospel. These are not the most effective way of sharing the gospel, the Oikos map is better because of relationships.

We use the door to door process to gain experience in share our personal testimony, the plan of salvation and prayer (tools) so that we can get better at sharing. Just as a bodybuilder go to the gym to get reps in to continue to maintain what they have gained. A friend of mine told me “I don’t knock on doors because I like to I do it as a discipline”.


  • Create your own Oikos map.
  • Begin to pray over each person.
  • Schedule a time to meet each person this week