Timing (Tempo)

Timing is everything in life and fencing. Once you come up agist an adversary, you are waiting for the right timing to attack or to defend and counter-attack. Musicians use a measurement called tempo. Music written by the same composer could have a different tempo and the tempo can change even within a piece. The tempo is a more particle measurement for fencing also.

When we are looking for that right moment to engage our adversary we need to look for their tempo and attack during an off-beat to breaking their tempo. Once their tempo is broken then they are on the defensive. Just like if you wanted to jump-in while a jump rope, you would look and listen to the tempo of the rope hitting the ground and on the offbeat make your move (jump-in).

I have seen adversary consistently do the same action just before their attack like one fencer would tap his opponent’s blade three times, and another that would consistently retreat just before his attack. If you can detect these movements then you are able to defeat your adversary.
My maestro would say, “If you do the same movement more the three time in a row you can be defeated.”

At the same time, be cautious not to create your own tempo that your adversary could detect. Just like in music you can and should switch up your tempo, make it faster than slow it down. If your adversary continues to get the same touch time and time again, you may have a predictable tempo.

This is the same with our spiritual adversary if he has continuing to hit you with the same attack, you need to break his tempo. You may need to increase your reading and/or prayer time, change the people you hang out with, change the atmosphere in your home, change your diet, etc. You need to break his tempo and put him on the defensive.


  • Have a mentor check to see if they see any consistent tempo issues
  • Pray for a more
  • Change your tempo to keep your adversary on the defense