What is Your View?

When in a fencing bout, we have a tendency to focus on the perceived danger, the sword, and not the true danger, the one holding the sword. If you stop the swordsman you stop the sword. To become a better fencer you need to look past the sword and see as much as you can. You need to widen your view.

We as believers in Jesus we have to widen our view, to see more then what is right in from of us. The other day I saw a friend taking a picture of a large group. I tried holding the camera one way then turn it ninety degrees to the landscape orientation, not able to get all he wanted he change the viewer to panoramic and was able to get the whole view.

Our views are all formed by our personal environment (social, economic, spiritual, etc.). These have caused us to view people and situations from and through those viewpoints. We have to be able to look at every situation with fresh eyes.

Getting a Fresh View

The church I attend believes that God constantly giving progressive revelation of Himself and His nature. As other churches obtain new revelations of God our pastors are willing to look at what is happening there to see if whatever it might be is Biblical. This has been happening in the church for centuries starting with the reformation in the fifteen hundreds. Martin Luther gave us a fresh view “Saved by Grace” that reformed the church. Even as the church leader should and did get a new view, we need to do this for our own lives.

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

1 Corinthians 13:12 ESV

This verse is talking about us seeing the fullness of God, and we are unable to in ourselves but with a face to face relationship with Jesus Christ more can and will be reviled.

We can use the principle in this scripture for our lives and relationship with others. We should be willing to look at other cultures and or status, trying to see from there viewpoint. I suggest you find or make a friend in that culture and or status and begin a face to face conversation with them, not trying to conform them to your views but to see from their view.

You can have a Biblical viewpoint on a subject like marriage, that does not mean you should not understand the viewpoint from a gay marriage perspective. You should always strive to understand another viewpoint but not compromise God’s principles. I have had this same face to face conversation with a friend of mine, he knew my viewpoint based on my beliefs in God. We still talked and he felt that I understood his viewpoint by resighting back to him what he felt. He knows that I can not agree with his viewpoint and will not compromise my beliefs, but I still have a friendship and hang out with one another. This is unconditional love.


  • Be will not admit your viewpoint might be flawed.
  • Have an open mind and conversation with other’s viewpoints.
  • Never compromise God’s word.