Who’s Voice is Louder

This week the Holy Spirit through a friend was reminding me that one little action can cause all other examples to be overlooked. When we cause our voice to be louder than God’s voice within us we can cause others to stumble or overshadow God’s kingdom.  

My wife and I regularly spend time with a group of good friends, and we go to the same restaurant every week. We have prayed and ministered to others while in this restaurant. We have had deep conversations and I have let His Voice speak loud to them with word of encouragement and love in the mists of laugh and joke around.

One evening a few weeks ago I was playing around as I always do and did an action that overpowered His Voice and brought the attention back to me. We all laughed it off as just having fun.

Last week I was unable to attend the our group as the restaurant. Our friends through up a group message on Facebook, letting my wife and myself know how much we were missed. There was one message from a new believer that hit my heart. He did not mention anything about the God times we have had but he did mention the action of the previous week.


We (I) need to remember that new believers and unbelievers are watching our lives and will remember our one act of indiscretions, lack of honor, or disrespect. Our voice will become louder than our whole life living as a believer. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16 ESV

But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.

1 Corinthians 8:9 ESV

I posted back to the group message a simple message “I regret any of my playful act that may have overshadowed my witness of Jesus or my loving Father God to any of you. Be strong and live like everyone is watching. Be blessed and have a wonderful day in the name of Jesus.”


  • WWJD – What Would Jesus Do! Is a catchy phrase but should be a life goal
  • Take responsibility for your action, seek forgiveness if needed