Your Personal Identity

I had two dreams last week the first dream: I was at a casino with two to three other friends and my wife.  I was playing the penny slots and won $70 dollars. One of my friends wanted to get something to eat so we left the casino. I told him there was a McDonalds on the other side of the casino.  So we walked around the building to get to it.  Once on the McDonalds, there was an entrance back into the casino so as my friend got the food I step into the casino and began playing a penny slot machine I got a black ticket with 600 in gold lettering on it. I ask an attendant what it was and they told me it was worth $600 dollars.  Next, we’re all were in a shared hotel room. One friend bragged about his winning another told us how he was down $40 I did not mention the $600 dollar ticket. I noticed that my wallet was missing. I was thinking about where I might have left it when I woke up.  

The second dream: I was driving a bus like no other bus I have seen. The driver seat was in the middle of the bus to the right side. It was operated with a single joystick. The bus could move in any direction the joystick moved.  The bus was empty and I was driving through the city street.  I park the bus on the side is a street and went into a warehouse.  The was a distribution center and my friend either worked there or own it.  I was talking with him when I notice I did not have my wallet. I began thing of where it might be when I remember it was next to me on the bus. I realized then if anyone found they would know I was on that bus. So I when to the bus I saw another bus driver in a uniform driving its way and he looked at me.  Then I woke up. 

What the symbolism mean to me.

The wallets: did not represent the loss of finances because in the casino dream I was gaining finances. The wallet represents my identity as may do I also carry my driver’s license in my wallet. 

A casino: a place of entertainment I was not trying to gain wealth by playing penny slots, but I was just there for entertainment with friends.

The bus: is a mode of spiritual transportation, a ministry or church.  

My friend at the distribution center: In my dream of the bus, I drove the bus to a distribution center to see my friend. I believe my friend was the Holy Spirit distributing gifts as he wills.

“To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another, the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:7-11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I never lost access to the kingdom realm but I lost my wallet. The Holy Spirit never condemned me for the action of being on the bus. I never got in trouble for having the bus or being on the bus even when the other driver saw me.  

When I woke up from the second dream I ask God right away what is going on with my wallet. Then God spoke to me in my mind. “Your actions will cause you to lose your identity.” I don’t believe we can lose our identity in God as long as we are perusing Him. But we can lose our personal identity where others will not see us in the roles God has called us for. 

We need to be aware on our actions. If we are do thing for the sake of our friends, entertainment or even ministries (bus). We need to know what and where God wants us. I am not saying we should not go out with friends or do any type in entertainment, I definitely believe we should all have and be in fellowship with other believers, whether it in a church, a ministry or a small group.

Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10:25 ESV

If those friend and or the type of entertainment is causing your identity to be questions, you may not want to stay away from them. I had a young man in my life that wanted to shoot off fireworks on the fourth of July. At that time it was illegal in the state we live. I told him I would not be at his celebration because of the illegal act he wanted to do. I stood my ground no matter how many rebuttals he had. This happen for a couple of years with the same results, him doing the fireworks and me not coming. Later the laws changed in our state and now I would come to his celebrations. This young man never lost his respect for my authority or the position in which God gave me. I never lost my identity with him and he still respect and honors who God called me to be.


  • What are you doing that is contrary to what God has called you to.