Find Your Voice

We all have a voice, we use it to communicate with the people around us. From a young age, most of us learn how to speak and connect words together to be able to express ourselves. Others may have had to get their voice through sign langue, either way, we all have a voice. Our voices influence the spheres we are active in. We can cause people to come together for a purpose, mission or event.

A Message + A Method = A Voice

If we all were to want to promote the same event that is happening in our city. We all would have the same message, Name of the event, the location, the time and date. We all decided our method to promote the event by word of mouth only. Our voice would be limited to just the people we come in to contact with.

A Message + Your Method = Your Voice

If we were to take that same message but this time we allowed everyone to promote it in the way that works for them. We would have people using billboards, mailings, posters, flyers, social media, and word of mouth. If you are using your style or your access to communication this is Your Method and it is Your Voice that is being heard.

Our Message + Our Method = Our Voice

My wife and I have a passion to help youth and young adults develop positive character traits, that is our message. It is not a unique message there are many people teaching and training people in positive character traits. The way we have made it our voice unique is how we bring it forth in our method. We wrap these character traits within a nine-week fencing program we call Swords of Truth.

His Message + Your Method = Your Voice.

And he Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Mark 16:15 ESV (italiced word added)

Jesus expressed a single message, the gospel, for us to proclaim through our sphere of influence. As believers, we have a unified message, but we all have different methods of proclaiming it so that it becomes our voice. Not everyone is designed by God to head up a church or even preach from the platform of a church, but we are all told to go and proclaim the gospel (good news).

Before you can share His message you have to accept Jesus as your savior and decide to follow Him. As you are walking with Him, God might give you a creative method to influence the spheres you are part of. As you start sharing with these people about who Jesus is to you, and what he has done for you, they will begin to hear God’s voice in your voice. This will begin to draw them towards God’s goodness.


  • Ask God to show you your method to share His message
  • Stay in God’s word and your daily times of prayer so His message stays fresh in you
  • Use your voice to draw people to the Good News of Jesus Christ