Your Voice

I was at a meeting this weekend where the minister was talking about not just another church program. He was seeing where God wants us, the people of God, to have a lifestyle that will go and show the kingdom to a lost world. Not just bible-beating people but through using our voice. I have learned from a course I took on developing your vision or a business concept, it started was a simple equation.

The Message + The Method = Your Voice

For believers, this is easy because Jesus already gave us The Message (gospel), So what is your Method, that would be your passion, for some, it could cooking, sewing, skateboarding, woodworking, golf, or even swordplay.

So what question did God ask Moses when he could not find his voice. God already gave him The Message but he did not know by what method.

Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’” The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.”

Exodus 4:1-2 ESV

Moses always had a passion to help and lead his people, even back in Egypt he tried to protect and lead the people, but they rejected him. He ran away and lost that passion and became a shepherd. Which began to rekindle his passion, but because of the rejection, he did not what to go back to Egypt. God took a symbol of his passion to give him his voice. The staff was a tool to lead the sheep and now His people. Moses used this symbol of passion to deliver (salvation) God’s and show them the love and power of God, thorough out the desert and up to the promised land.

What is in your hand?
What are you passionate about and enjoy doing? If time and/or money were not an issue what would you love to do every day? This is Your Method. Your method is what you would do if you were alone with some sheep or with a million people in a desert.

You can see many people in the bible that used there passion to reach others. David before he was the king received God’s songs (message) while he was alone and used his passion (method) of worship (voice) to set Saul. Each of the disciples had the Message of the kingdom while they all had there own Methods which gave them all unique Voice. Stephen used his passion to serve others and his voice affected Paul. Paul had a passion for the gentiles and making disciples as we can see through all the letters he wrote.

YouTube shows us that people want to learn, they have a desire to learn how to do many things and you can find it all on YouTube. My wife and I desired to play disc golf and we went to YouTube to get instruction for people who play. I want to get back into woodworking after 30 years, so I went to YouTube for inspiration. The one thing missing from a format like YouTube is coming together where you get synergy and the chance to share Your Voice with others.

Through a process, I recognized that I had a passion for young people and I also had a passion for teaching others how to fence (swordplay). I was able to combine these into one activity called Swords of Truth. I teach for nine-week while sharing the gospel and teaching each of them eight biblical character traits. In Sword of Truth I found My Voice = The gospel and character traits (The Message) + Fencing (the Method)

God has given you the gospel The Message and now you have recognized Your Method (your passion). What is stopping you from using Your Voice?


  • On a piece, make a list of all your passions.
    • mark all you do if money or time was not an issue.
    • Now from the ones you just marked, circle three you would do every day if you were alone or with a group.
  • Make a list of all the things you might what to learn and instead of searching YouTube find a group in your area.
  • Make a list of what is holding your voice back, ask God how to overcome those issues.